The Five at Five: Toria Smith, Founder, Grape and Fig

The Five at Five is a download of the best things to read, watch, shop, and get inspiration from. This week’s selections have been curated by Toria Smith, Founder, Grape and Fig. Founded in 2017, GRAPE & Fig is the UK’s first and finest ‘grazing’ caterer. Their speciality: picture-perfect platters, covered in locally sourced produce – perfect for dipping and snacking.

Less Perfect, More Happy by Chris Ward. A roadmap to a happier, calmer life for anyone who is a perfectionist (me!), who puts a lot of pressure on themselves. Learning about what perfectionism really is, helps you address the causes and re-build thought structures and certain relationships in your life. Highly recommended!
I have loved ‘The Undoing’ on Sky. Heard so much about this and it hasn’t disappointed me. I have a soft spot for Hugh Grant (shhhhh don’t tell my husband!)

The Out of Hours Podcast – just brilliant. It shares stories of people who have been brave and started a side project, which has turned into something much bigger than they ever thought possible.

Grape & Fig! (Love a little plug!). But seriously, anything from Aesop (skin, hair, home and body brand) or Jai Vasicek (artist from Australia).

Other women business owners who balance their work and private life in a way that ‘works’, so that neither suffers – especially those with children. It’s so incredibly hard to do, and there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way – it simply has to work for you and your life. But when I get to know fellow business owners (such as Lucy from Never Fully Dressed) I love learning how others make it work.